Sunday, September 13, 2009

Take 2 on the green leaf and a few misc

I upgraded to cs4 last week and I'm having some issues on web vs monitor. The colors are off and I'm not sure if I'm getting too carried away with some of the new options in ACR or if it's a settings thing. I wish I could sit down with someone and get a better feel with editing. Anyway, once I fix I'll post some better vs.

As for the leaf... I wasn't satisfied with my first photo, so the next day I drove back to the nursery and made a second attempt of the leaf. The time of day was the same, the plant was in the same position, but what I failed to keep in mind...was the sunlight. The day prior we had a few clouds in the sky and when I returned the next day, no clouds. So my attempt failed again...but it was a good experience for me and I had a little lightbulb moment on lighting.


Sharon said...

Great shot! I guess this is reason to keep one of those small diffusers handy. ;)

Esther said...

I do like it better with the focus on the bulb and not the leaf, but I agree...that lighting makes me cringe! LOL. Whenever that happens, I usually just stand in the sun and use my own shadow for shading.

Nicki said...

Interesting comparison. Hope you get your coloring figured out on your computer - processing can be very frustrating - but when it works - soo sweet!

The Au Family said...

I love the colors! NEat comparison.

The Au Family said...

I love the colors! NEat comparison.

shirley said...

The colors look good on my monitor, but I know I'm not calibrated. And darn that sun - always moving around!

bprincephoto said...

Love the comparison.

Suzy said...

How cool to go back on a different day and shoot the very same leaf! It just shows what lighting can do! I think both are fab! Great shots!

Diana said...

great comparison, they both look great to me

Lauren Hartman said...

Great job with the light bulb moment! So many people continue to shoot botanicals not paying attention to the quality of light.

You're so lucky to be able to pop over to Molbaks whenever you like. I have shopped there for 30 years, I love that place. Unfortunately it's about 45 minutes away :(

Mandy said...

oooo la la...I love those beautiful leaf shots. So colorful and fresh.

Margaret said...

So pretty. Love the comparison. Amazing what different light can do.

Bobbi said...

I love that smile and petti! Beautiful shot.

Those lightbulb moments make all the difference.

Krystle said...

LOve the petti shot!