Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Few of me and the kids

I'm going back on my word on exercise this week. I haven't been feeling very well. It's almost just too much to be obsessing about my first week back on Weight Watchers and trying to add exercise. I have to remind myself we've just been through some pretty heavy stuff and I need to cut myself a little more slack. Plus I seem to be more sucessful when I focus on one goal at a time. So next week will be exercise, this week journal, journal, journal. I know you're not supposed to peak mid week, but I'm already down 2 lbs....if only I could make all 20 melt off as easy!

The kids took these photos and I've taught them to not take MY photos dead on (isn't that terrible?). I will try to take a more unflattering "real fat" photo when I work up the nerve.


Yolanda said...

First of all, you're a beautiful lady! Secondly, we moved almost 3 years ago and I can tell you it does get better! My heart broke the every time my son said he wanted to go back "home" to Colorado, that he missed his friends and family. But now-- well we just had a sleepover of 7 boys that he hangs around with and our house is full of new friends-- it does get better.

Denita said...

Beautiful pictures (good luck with WW. I'm approaching my one year WW anniversary - lost 40 lbs. this past year...you can do it). And, we've gone through the whole downsize thing too - it wasn't easy, but it does get better. Best of luck to you and your family.

Reds said...

You are gorgeous!! I am on WW right now - very slow but at least I am losing - good luck to you!

Nicki said...

You are a beautiful woman - as is. I applaud your efforts to lose weight to become healthier - but don't ever lose sight that regardless of whether 2 pounds or 20 pounds - you are a beautiful lady/mom/wife/daughter. These shots are very lovely and your children did a very nice job taking them.

Margaret said...

You are beautiful! Love these shots of you with your kids. These are shots you and they will treasure forever!!

Angela2932 said...

You look absolutely gorgeous, and this is a wonderful family shot! Way to go, on changing habits your first week. Journaling. . . . that's a challenge in itself!

Suzy said...

Wow you are one beautiful lady! I love these! I hop you have them printed and hanging on your wall.