Thursday, April 29, 2010

April Showers...

The old addage April Showers bring May flowers is really living up to it's word here in Western Washington!

I changed clothes 3 times yesterday. From flip flops, tank and capris, jeans, and tshirt, to layers upon layers! I did manage to cut back some shrubs, weed, fertilize and mow all in between showers.

Photo in between showers, if only I could find that pot of gold!

Bugger, looks like I pushed the color too far on this!

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Tooth

A milestone today, Tyler lost his first tooth. It seemed like yesterday he was just cutting these front teeth. He was so excited he made sure that I had his bed properly made for the tooth fairy's arrival. Sweet dreams little boy.

Friday, April 23, 2010

1900's carpenter chest

This stinky old chest has been sitting in this basement for the last 50+years. It belonged to my great grandpa Emmanual J Lensing. Not sure the dates on all the tools but I know great grandpa was born in 1885, these were his tools and in the 40's he shipped them out to my grandpa(Donald)in Burbank, CA.

Now the big question, what do I do with this chest and the old tools inside of it? I have no use or desire to save these. The woodin chest, stinks like old wood. While it's like a time capsule, I wish I could find someone who would appreciate it antiquity/character.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Birds nest

I feel really bad, I unintentionally disrupted a birds nest in the rockery to get this shot. I never really put much thought into birds making a nest in rocks. As I was taking these shots, I startled the birds and they flew out....scared the living tar out of me, that's for sure! Thankfully all the little birds could fly, but they have not returned to the nest. It makes me feel a bit better than I can hear them all nearby in a neighboring tree, I'm assuming they found another home.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maternity Session from a few weeks back

Almost forgot, I did a practice session a few weeks ago. To make matters a little bit more challenging the flash tube in my strobe broke. Ended up just using my external flash, but not really the efffects I was going for!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Some After photos of the house


Trying out my new wireless trigger/receiver with my Alien bee. Only bribes that involve food work for photos.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Moved in

We're all moved into our new home. Still a ton of work to do. Our floors turned out amazing! Now that I have my camera stuff here, I'll get some photos up.

I'm LOVIN this old house! I can't seem to find the appropriate words to describe how I feel about this house, other than it's sentimental (being that it was my grandparents home for the 50 years).