Sunday, January 17, 2010


"Take a nice deep breath in through the nose and exhale".... I'm having withdrawls right now. After an entire weekend doing homework, I'm ready for a cleansing evening in hot yoga with the gals. One night of hot yoga and I'm good for days. I'm not sure how to explain it other than feeling more balanced both physically and mentally. Good stuff for sure!

The last 2 weeks I've dove into school. In many ways I feel excited at the new challenges ahead, but I'm so very overwhelmed. The reality that I've spent the last 11 years as a mom, doing mom things, not working, not communicating, I feel so far behind intellectually. I've lost skills. I'm struggling with articulating my thoughts into words. Out of practice in so many ways.

As the months go by, I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things. I just need to be patient and take one day at a time. A little deep breathing helps too!

Photos tomorrow I promise! Got my new hard drive and no school tomorrow!