Friday, December 25, 2009

Family 2009

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday! The Norton family had a wonderful and low key Christmas.

As the holiday is winding down, I can't help but think of how lucky I am. It's been another challenging year for the books (metaphoric and literally speaking). It's also been filled with joy, rediscovery, friendships both new and old, and family. Thank you to all of you for your love and support!

2010 will be a year of change for our family, downsizing homes and simplifying our lifestyle, hopefully new job prospects, college, and a smooth transition for the kids. As exciting as all that sounds it's all a bit scary and overwhelming right now. We know in the end we are making positive steps for our future.


Heather T. said...

Wow, your mom looks the same to me! You have a beautiful family.

Dannie M said...

You have a very beautiful family, and you look great Julie! I know you're probably slammed with the going back to school... Keep postin' though!